Uk Culture And Trends To Avoid Posted on 01 October 2024 By Eric Flores Uk Culture And Trends To Avoid – With its cultural diversity and excellent opportunities for career development, the UK has become a popular study destination for international students. If you are thinking about continuing your studies in this country, it is good to know the culture. So you can respect their culture while you are there. Uk Culture And Trends To Avoid surlerythme – Since every country is different, there are several factors you should pay attention to so you don’t get confused or confused! Not sure where to start? Hello, we will try to help you. Continue reading this article to learn more about cultural taboos in England that should be avoided. Therefore, you can live comfortably. Baca Juga : Understanding Dutch Cultural Heritage 7 Common Habits to Avoid When Living in the UK 1. Be rude and speak bluntly British people are notoriously polite, apologizing for everything, and especially saying “please” and “thank you”. While you’re there, it’s best to control yourself and have a good conversation if you get the chance. Otherwise, England will judge you. 2. Don’t be late for meetings or events Punctuality is of the utmost importance in the UK. So, make sure you are suitable for events and parties. Being late is seen as unusual and sometimes dangerous. However, you are still allowed to arrive 10 or 15 minutes after the agreed meal time. If you cannot arrive on time, you should contact me immediately. 3. Disrespect for elders Even if you don’t agree, don’t disrespect your elders in the UK. Respecting elders and protecting them is an English tradition. Therefore, disrespecting them in any way is considered rude and inconsiderate. Baca Juga : Local Bag Brands Are Very Durable And High Quality 4. Don’t ask personal questions or annoying questions So be careful not to over-explain by asking personal questions during the conversation. Questions to avoid include questions about income, weight, and reasons for being single or celibate. 5. Don’t cut the line Although line cutting is allowed in some countries, not in the UK. If you are queuing – whether to go to the bathroom or enter your room, it is a good idea to wait your turn patiently. Because this is common practice in the UK. If you cut boundaries, people will not be happy and will not hesitate to bother you. They will tell you what the situation is. 6. Don’t forget to pay when inviting someone to dinner. So it’s important to keep this in mind and pay if you invite someone over for dinner! Also, if someone else is paying because you asked them to, don’t try to split the bill or argue about who should pay. Instead, you can plan to invite them to dinner another day and pay them the next day. 7. Avoid prolonged eye contact Prolonged eye contact is considered a form of terrorism by British society. Therefore, eye contact should be limited so as not to disturb the person. But in groups, a short face is recommended as it lets your personality show through. Start your journey in England Are you planning to continue your education in the beautiful country of England? At IDP, we have a team of consultants to help you do just that! From offering guidance to managing the entire application process, you will have the opportunity to choose the major that best suits your goals and be prepared. Budaya Budaya InggrisUk Culture And Trends To Avoid
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