These are the Habits of British Cultural Society Posted on 19 October 2024 By Eric Flores These are the Habits of British Cultural Society – When we talk about England, we must also talk about the culture and customs of the local people. England is still a kingdom that sticks to tradition. In England, there are titles given to each person based on their number. Another characteristic is the habits of the people. This also has positive value and can be imitated. These are the Habits of British Cultural Society surlerythme – Holidays to Europe are one of the most enjoyable holiday events for Indonesian people. Europe offers a very unique experience because the climate is very different from Indonesia. Europe is full of unique countries that are rich in nature, making them attractive tourist destinations. One of them is England or England, whose kingdom is led by a queen. If you want to travel to Europe, don’t forget to stop by England to see Buckingham Palace. Every person must have their own unique habits. marching habits England is a very orderly country. It’s no surprise that Brits often queue voluntarily. Compare this with Indonesians who like to queue. If you violate the limit, you will be humiliated and even receive social sanctions in the form of calling the local police. Wow, this might be an example of how Indonesians do the right thing. This unique habit is a characteristic of British society which is famous for its orderliness. Baca Juga : Understanding Madurese Art And Culture handing out souvenirs In England, being invited to a neighbor’s or family’s house means looking for souvenirs as a sign of gratitude and mutual respect. Even though the contents are only sweets or homemade cakes, the care is still felt. You can also do this if you are invited to a family event to get to know yourself better. Wow, what a unique and really good habit, guys. You can also build good relationships with other people. Habits Don’t hesitate to apologize and say thank you British society is a tolerant society. They have big hearts and they prove it by not hesitating to apologize or say thank you. If you ask someone for a small favor, such as showing them the way or nodding, they will likely be happy to thank you in a serious tone. Let’s make this happen in Indonesia too. Baca Juga : Best Sling Bags For Men From Torch don’t talk to strangers As an immigrant, don’t expect too much to immediately make friends with British people. They are polite and willing to help tourists, but not through direct conversation or small talk. His habit is not to interfere in other people’s affairs and not to talk to strangers. The habit of following rules There is no need to be afraid of being in England, because British people are very strict about the rules. An example is a traffic light where red means stop and green means go. Cars and other vehicles will stop at red lights as long as necessary, even if no other vehicles are passing. Wow, it would be great if this could be held in Indonesia. Of course this also applies to us! Budaya Budaya China Budaya Korea Budaya InggrisCultural SocietyEnglandtradition
Budaya Budaya Makanan Unik Di Indonesia Posted on 15 December 2023 Budaya Makanan Unik Di Indonesia – Semua orang di bumi ini memiliki satu kesamaan: mereka membutuhkan makanan untuk bertahan hidup. Meski demikian, warga dari pelosok ke pelosok pasti punya cara tersendiri dalam menikmati makanan. Budaya Makanan Unik Di Indonesia surlerythme – Terkadang cara atau budaya makan masyarakat di suatu tempat… Read More
Budaya Warisan Budaya Indonesia Yang Diakui Dunia Posted on 26 October 2023 Warisan Budaya Indonesia Yang Diakui Dunia – Indonesia adalah negara yang penuh dengan keberagaman dan memiliki banyak warisan budaya dan alam yang perlu dilestarikan. Bahkan beberapa jenazahnya saat ini sulit ditemukan. Untuk itu, pemerintah berupaya menampilkan sebagian warisan budaya Tanah Air ke dunia internasional. Warisan Budaya Indonesia Yang Diakui Dunia… Read More
Budaya 8 Interesting Facts About Turkish Culture You Should Know Posted on 27 December 202427 December 2024 8 Interesting Facts About Turkish Culture You Should Know – Turkish culture is indeed fascinating! Located in the west of the Asian continent and the southeast of the European continent, Turkey has been around since 1920 and has a rich history. One important aspect of its history is the existence… Read More