Budaya Indonesia yang Pernah Diklaim Malaysia Posted on 15 March 2025 By Eric Flores Budaya Indonesia yang Pernah Diklaim Malaysia – Terjadi lagi, salah satu warisan budaya Indonesia kembali diklaim sebagai milik Malaysia. Mengetahui info ini, warganet marah dan heran-heran kepada Malaysia mengapa selalu mengambil serta menjiplak lagu dari negara tetangga sendiri. Budaya Indonesia yang Pernah Diklaim Malaysia Budaya Indonesia yang Diklaim Malaysia Mengutip dari beberapa media, Rabu (13/09/2023), Malaysia sudah 12 kali mencoba mengklaim warisan budaya yang merupakan milik Indonesia. Warisan budaya yang mereka klaim bentuknya tarian, lagu, makanan, alat musik, hingga alat kesenian. Supaya lebih jelas, berikut adalah deretan budaya Indonesia yang diklaim Malaysia beserta kronologinya: 1. Wayang Kulit Wayang Kulit is one of the Indonesian cultures that had been claimed by Malaysian designer Jaemy Choong, who once used the motif and design of Wayang Kulit on Adidas shoes. Wayang Kulit is indeed a heritage of traditional performing arts that came from Javanese and Balinese culture. This art is a tourist attraction for foreigners to know Indonesian culture. Wayang Kulit performances are typically done in dark places in order to cast the shadow of the puppets along with gamelan music. Sedangkan untuk cerita, biasanya Wayang Kulit menggunakan kisah Mahabharata dan Ramayana yang memiliki nilai-nilai moral dan etika yang mendalam. 2. Angklung Malaysia jugaonce mengaku bahwa alat musik tradisional Angklung berasal dari negaranya melalui situs www.musicmall_asia.com. Padahal, Angklung adalah alat musik tradisional yang berasal dari daerah Sunda. Angklung is an idiophone musical instrument, which is a musical instrument that creates sound when vibrated or struck, consisting of bamboo tubes of different lengths that also create various sounds. The musical instrument is typically played in an ensemble, where several players have the task of holding the Angklung of various sizes and shaking it at the appropriate moment to create a wonderful harmony. Baca Juga : Inilah Kebudayaan Indonesia yang Penuh Semangat 3. Kuda Lumping In 2017, one of the Malaysian finalists of Miss Grand International, Sanjeda John, dressed in a kuda lumping costume during the competition in the costume wear session. The costume worn was very similar to the Indonesian Kuda Lumping art. After much pressure, the Miss Grand Malaysia side finally spoke up that the costume worn was inspired by the Javanese people who migrated to the southern part of Johor, Malaysia. As information, Kuda Lumping is a traditional Javanese performing art that is very distinctive and in high demand by every group. The performance includes dancers riding artificial horses constructed from bamboo or wood, characteristic dance movements, gamelan music, and dramatic attractions. The artificial horse riders typically wear masks and costumes with mystical factors to make the performance appear more dramatic. 4. Batik Salah satu budaya Indonesia yang hampir diklaim Malaysia selanjutnya adalah Batik. Masyarakat Indonesia yang sangat mencintai Batik sangat keberatan ketika mendengar pemerintah Malaysia hendak mengajukan klaim kepada UNESCO. Tidak mau kecolongan lagi, Indonesia segera mendaftarkan batik kepada UNESCO pada 3 September 2008. Akhirnya, pada 2 Oktober 2009, UNESCO mensahkan bahwa batik adalah warisan budaya Indonesia. Batik is a two-dimensional traditional fine art that originated from Indonesia. The art form makes use of lilin or wax as a medium to resist particular areas to remain white. After that, the pembatik will utilize a tool named canting to paint or draw the motif on the prepared batik fabric. 5. Rendang Rendang is one of the traditional foods of Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) which was included in the world’s most delicious food list by CNN. Rendang is one of the Indonesian foods that is hardest to make. To make it, the dish needs meat that is simmered in a blend of Indonesian spices. The process of cooking the meat itself takes hours in order to get a very soft meat, infused spices, and a thickened sauce. Hidangan ini hampir selalu disajikan oleh orang Padang, Sumatra Barat yang berdomisili di Malaysia. Sangat seringnya, masyarakat Malaysia menganggap hidangan ini adalah bagian dari budaya mereka. 6. Tari Tor-Tor Negeri Jiran juga pernah mencoba mengklaim tari tor-tor yang merupakan budaya Batak Toba, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia. But this dance has deep cultural roots among the Batak people and has been a part of their cultural heritage for centuries. The tor-tor dance is usually performed by a group of dancers who dance together in unison with their signature movement and steps along with music and singing. 7. Keris Keris (Photo: iStockPhoto) The keris is a traditional weapon that is the original symbolic weapon of the Budaya Jawa that was once claimed by Malaysia. At last, on 25 November 2005, Indonesia listed the keris as one of Indonesia’s cultural heritage. This traditional weapon has a very specific design and shape, from the wavy blade with a characteristic pattern and ganja (protective ornament) that is distinctive. The process of making a keris is a very complex task and necessitates high-level proficiency, particularly in the process of creating the blade, ganja, and carving tatah sungging (ornamentation on the scabbard). 8. Gordang Sambilan Gordang Sambilan (Photo: Pariwisata Indonesia) Gordang Sambilan (Photo: Pariwisata Indonesia) Minister of Information, Communications, and Culture Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim had once tried to register the traditional musical instrument Gordang Sambilan as a 2005 National Heritage Act. It is worth noting, Gordang Sambilan is a traditional musical instrument from the culture of Batak Toba in North Sumatra. Gordang Sambilan is made up of 9 drum tubes in a single row. The tubes are of varying sizes and emit different notes to produce a complex and rich variation of sound. 9. Tari Pendet Tari Pendet (Photo: Wikipedia) Tari Pendet (Photo: Wikipedia) In 2007, one of the global television media, the Discovery Channel briefly showed a Malaysian promotional video that had the Tari Pendet in it. Knowing that, Menbudpar Jero Wacik had sent a protest letter to the Discovery Channel and Malaysia’s Minister of Tourism. From the Malaysian tourism claimed not to be involved in the process of making the video promotion. Meanwhile, the Discovery Channel redeemed its error by making a special broadcast about the Pendet dance for 30 minutes. Pendet Dance is a traditional dance of Bali with deep cultural roots in the Island of the Gods. Biasanya tarian ini dikenakan pada penyambutan dalam upacara adat. Para penari perempuan akan membawa baki yang berisi bunga dan kembang sebagai simbol penyambutan dan kecantikan. 10. Lumpia Selain Rendang, salah satu makanan khas Indonesia, Lumpia juga pernah diklaim sebagai produk Malaysia. Mengetahui hal tersebut, puluhan aktivis Semarang menggelar aksi unjuk rasa di Kedutaan Besar Malaysia pada 20 Februari 2015. Lumpia is a snack that is characteristic of Semarang and is made from rebung or what is provided spice ebi, shrimp, egg, wrapped in lumpia skin. There are 2 kinds of lumpia in Indonesia itself, wet and dry. Dry lumpia is from Semarang, whereas wet lumpia is the specialty of the city of Solo, Central Java. Budaya Budaya Indonesia Budaya Malaysia BudayaBudaya IndonesiaBudaya Indonesia yang Pernah Diklaim Malaysia
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